This is Logimate!

Logimate: Loving logistics made in Göttingen
Sustainable logistics that make you happy – that’s what Logimate is all about. As a cooperation between us, Lookfamed, and the ZUFALL logistics group from Göttingen, Logimate GmbH was founded to individually optimize the shipping process for small and medium-sized companies and startups. The team of dedicated employees ensures that the mere unpacking of a package becomes a true unpacking experience. Customer satisfaction is the focus here. How did Logimate come into being? What is Logimate’s vision? What will Logimate do in the future? All these questions are answered below.
For reasons of better readability, we have decided on our blog to use the generic masculine for personal names. This is done completely value-free and has only editorial reasons. All forms of language naturally apply to all genders.
How did Logimate come into being?
The answer to this question brings together two storylines. The first storyline starts with Lookfamed. Many of our exclusive bloggers have already created their own brand together with our Handels GmbH and launched products on the market. Logistics plays a big role in this, the products have to reach the buyers after all. So when our then fullfilment partner was terminated, our founders came up with the idea of setting up their own fullfilment solution. We then started looking for a regional partner – and that’s how we found Zufall Logistik Group.
So the second storyline starts at ZUFALL. About half a year ago, the zufall.lab was set up there. This is an experimental workshop for sustainable logistics. Steffen Obermann, who is responsible for the lab, was still in his probationary period at ZUFALL when Sebastian Röske, founder of Lookfamed, approached him with the idea. Together, they initiated the project in April of this year and decided on the name “Logimate”. A few months later, in mid-August, all IT systems had been validated and all processes optimized so that a first pilot test could take place, during which around 2,000 shipments were sent.
What is the vision behind Logimate?
The idea behind Logimate is to offer small and medium-sized companies and startups a sustainable, individual fullfilment solution. Customer satisfaction is achieved by ensuring that the buyers of products are not only happy about the contents when they receive their orders, but also about the unpacking itself, which becomes a true unpacking experience thanks to the loving design of the packages. Logimate is a start-up with a lot of design potential. Behind Logimate are two experienced companies in a business that will grow quickly and offers many opportunities for development.
What’s next for Logimate?
The next packing day at Logimate is already planned: further cooking boxes of the cooperation of die.organizer, the brand of our exclusive blogger Kimberly Devlin Mania ( and Stefano Zarrella will be shipped. In the future, all products of the brands from Lookfamed and Lookfamed Handels GmbH are to be shipped with Logimate, including, in addition to die.organizer, for example Elvielle and Nördalört. For ZUFALL, the creation of Logimate means that there is a living experimentation space for process innovation, where they can actually measure whether the innovation is doing something its intended purpose. Furthermore, they would like to hand over Logimate to trainees for one day a week in order to promote the development process. Here, the trainees take over the entire process for one day, from packing to management.
Logimate is currently building a team of teammates, parcelmates, and studymates who are passionate about their work and eager to support them on their sustainability journey. Job postings are currently still on the Lookfamed website. Soon, the official Logimate website will launch. However, interested parties can also get in touch now via the mail address