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Why your brand’s face on social media is key to success

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Have you ever wondered why some brands immediately appeal to you and give you a sense of familiarity, while others leave you cold? The difference often lies in powerful personal branding. Or more precisely, in the creation of a strong personal brand. This gives a brand personality and makes it tangible, especially on social media. Companies that use personal branding create a deeper emotional connection with their target group. This connection goes far beyond the purchase of a product. It brings the brand to life and makes it approachable because people are not just interacting with a ‘company’, but with real people they can see, hear and trust.

Social media is the ideal platform to make your personal brand visible and to communicate your personal branding authentically. Social networks offer you the opportunity to bring your brand to life through real stories and authentic experiences. Whether on Instagram, LinkedIn or TikTok, you can engage directly with your target group and build a connection that creates long-term trust. Your brand face on social media is the key to strengthening and maintaining this connection.

What means the face of a brand on social media?

A brand face is more than just a pretty profile picture or a perfectly staged selfie. It’s about showing the personality of your company, the people behind the brand and the values you represent with your personal brand. You’ve probably already experienced it – you discover a brand on social media that you immediately like. Maybe it’s because you feel like you know the people behind the brand. Whether it’s the founder, the CEO, a team of experts or you sympathise with the influencer who works with the brand. All these faces embody the values and vision of the brand. They represent the heart of the company and are part of a successful social media strategy.

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Many companies make the mistake of focussing solely on their products or services and neglecting the human side. Just understand that every brand is fighting for attention and the one that stands out is the one that shows its personality and builds an emotional connection with people on social media. A strong personal brand on social media is the key to being remembered by your target group in the long term.

Emotional connection through personal branding

Don’t you find that some brands feel much closer and more familiar than others? The answer lies in the emotional connection created by authentic personal branding. People don’t just buy products – they buy stories, visions and the feeling of trusting a brand and ultimately being a part of that brand through their purchase.

This leads to loyal customers

Customers who value a brand emotionally are prepared to invest more and remain loyal to it in the long term. This loyalty is the true capital that builds a strong personal brand. Take Apple as an example. Why do people keep buying their products even though they are more expensive than many alternatives? It’s not just the technology, it’s the personality and brand identity. Apple tells a story that appeals to customers and captivates them emotionally. You can do the same for your company by presenting yourself and your team authentically.

How to strategically use a brand face on social media

To be truly successful as a brand on social media, it is not enough to simply post a picture or a statement from time to time. A well thought-out social media strategy is the key to building a strong and authentic personal brand. The goal is not just to be visible, but to build a long-term relationship with your target group. Here are some strategies on how to put the face of your brand in the best possible light:

  1. Regular and well thought-out posts: Continuity is the be-all and end-all. Stay constantly present so that your followers don’t forget your brand. Develop a posting schedule that regularly offers insights into your day-to-day work, special moments or stories about your brand. This way you show liveliness and presence.
  2. Give a glimpse behind the scenes: Your followers don’t just want to see perfectly staged images or thoroughly styled advertising messages, they want to get to know the people and processes behind the brand. Show them what happens behind the scenes, the challenges you overcome and the successes you celebrate. This creates trust and makes your brand appear more authentic. A look behind the scenes strengthens the emotional bond and makes your brand appear more tangible.
  3. Use interactive formats: Use interactive features such as live videos, Q&A sessions or Instagram Stories to interact directly with your target group. These formats not only offer the opportunity to showcase your expertise, but also encourage dialogue with your community. 
  4. Maintain authenticity: Perfection often comes across as distant. Show the human side of your brand. Mistakes, challenges and learning processes should be part of your social media presence. Authenticity means not being perfect sometimes, which creates a deeper connection with your target group.
  5. Involve influencers: If it fits the brand strategy, working with influencers is a valuable way to expand your brand face. Influencers who share your values can help expand your brand’s reach and create a closer connection with your target group. It is important that the collaboration comes across as authentic and natural.

Influencers as brand ambassadors

One of the most powerful strategies in personal branding is working with influencers who embody your brand in a credible and authentic way. Influencers have already built a strong relationship with their community. You can use this bond to strengthen trust in your brand. An influencer who fits in with your brand and shares its values will help to position your personal brand authentically and sustainably, especially on social media.

Imagine working with an influencer whose values and content align perfectly with your brand. The influencer’s followers already trust them, and when they recommend your brand on social media, this trust is automatically transferred to you. Through regular collaboration, the influencer can not only build trust, but also create a deeper emotional connection between the brand and the followers. Influencers become real brand ambassadors who strengthen your brand.

Select the right brand ambassador

But the key lies in finding the right influencer. It is important that your brand is embodied and that the values match. This is the only way for the collaboration to come across as authentic and credible and for your brand not to be perceived as ‘artificial’. If this is successful, influencers offer you an invaluable opportunity to successfully establish your brand face on social media.

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Build trust by becoming an expert

Another key aspect is the development of expert status through personal branding. Employees or entrepreneurs who regularly share content about their work and expertise position themselves as reliable contacts and build a strong relationship with their target group.

Imagine you’re looking for a solution to a problem and come across a blog post or video that solves that exact problem from someone you already know as an expert on social media. You immediately feel more confident because you know that there are real experts behind the brand. This expert positioning not only strengthens credibility, but also builds trust, which strengthens customer loyalty in the long term.

Actively engage customers

What makes a brand really come alive? It’s the interactions. Social media offers you the perfect platform to make direct contact with your customers. But this contact becomes particularly valuable when it comes from a well-known brand face on social media or a familiar personality. By responding to comments, questions or even criticism, you show that you are genuinely interested in your customers’ needs. This type of transparent dialogue creates trust and strengthens the bond with your brand. Regular dialogue with your customers turns an anonymous brand into a trusting relationship.


Social media offers the perfect stage to present the face of your brand and share your values, visions and stories. Whether through your own content or collaborations with influencers, a brand face gives your brand depth and ensures that it is remembered by your target group. Because in the end, it’s not just products that people buy, it’s the emotions and trust you build through them.


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