Nano Influencers – the future of influencer marketing?

How small creators are taking the advertising landscape by storm
We all know and (almost all) love them: The influencers on social media platforms. Whether 100,000, 500,000 or even 1 million followers – we follow their everyday life and let ourselves be inspired and thus influenced in the truest sense of the word by following their buying recommendations. Influencer marketing has become highly professionalized in recent years and there is hardly a company on the market that has not already relied on promotion by a so-called “content creator”. But what if we told you that being an “influencer” doesn’t start with 100,000 followers and a blue checkmark, but that you can also work professionally with less than 10,000 followers on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube? You can read more about what makes up the so-called “nano influencers” and how companies can benefit greatly from them here.
What are Nano Influencer?
For a long time now, companies have not only relied on “big” influencers for their applications on social media. In the meantime, the field of so-called nano influencers has also expanded, professionalized and, above all, popularized. Nano influencers are content creators who have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. But how is it possible that companies rely on these “small” influencers at least as often as the big ones?
Many brands have noticed that cooperations with nano influencers are definitely worthwhile. In the world of bloggers, it’s no longer just about followers. To promote a product credibly and, above all, successfully, you need an authentic appearance, regular postings, and a strong bond with your own community (regardless of whether you have 10,000 or 100,000 followers). The latter in particular is a crucial point when choosing a suitable influencer on the company side, where nano influencers often come out on top. After all, a smaller community not only means that influencers simply have more time to respond to comments and messages, but also that product placements often appear much more authentic. Despite fewer followers, nano influencers are also very convincing when it comes to various marketing goals such as reach, sales or increasing attention. As a result, companies are increasingly choosing smaller profiles with a high level of engagement as suitable influencers.
Conclusion: Nano Influencer in the fast lane
It takes a lot to be an influencer – an enormous following is not (just) one of them. For a long time now, more and more companies have been turning to smaller creators to implement paid collaborations with them on social media platforms. If you score points with authenticity, personality, passion and closeness, there’s nothing standing in your way on the journey to becoming a nano influencer!