Work-Life Balance: Surviving the Social Jungle

How to find the right mix of work and leisure in today’s age
Lookfamed is an influencer marketing agency. At the same time, this means, unsurprisingly, that we are in lively contact with our nearly 30 exclusive bloggers on a daily basis. However, since being an influencer is not a 9-to-5 job, but they are online virtually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, this also affects our jobs at the agency. How we find the perfect balance between work and private life in this “social jungle” and why we still have the best job in the world, we tell you in this blog post.
Actual work-life balance or rather work-life blending?
Work-life balance means that private life and working hours are in equilibrium and that you can ideally recover from work in your free time. In times of home offices, however, this can be a little difficult from time to time. One’s own living room, which usually serves as a place to relax, is quickly converted into an office. But how do you manage to use this place again in the evening for the balance part of the work-life balance?
In fact, this proves difficult from time to time. That’s why the term work-life blending is probably the more appropriate term here. Especially for people who work in the field of online marketing and therefore have to deal with social media on a daily basis, it can be difficult to switch off in the evening. The evening scroll through Instagram is quickly used to check the company account and at 9 p.m. the last TikTok is uploaded again, because the target group is most active in the evening. A strict separation of work and private life is thus quite difficult.
This is precisely what work-life blending describes. The separation of “work” and “private” merges here. Both models have advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of work-life balance are obvious. You work until the early evening and then have enough free time to recover from the workday and regenerate for the next day. Thus, there is a clear separation between work and private life, which guarantees sufficient recovery.
One clear disadvantage, however, is that certain jobs simply do not allow for an ideal work-life balance. Especially in the so-called “social jungle,” it is often not possible to drop the pen at 5 p.m. sharp and call it a day.
One of the main advantages of work-life blending is that you can arrange your working hours relatively freely. Since you work virtually the entire day “on demand,” you can even take longer breaks or call it a day earlier.
A clear disadvantage is the fact that you always have your work with you from Monday to Friday – especially in the age of smartphones and social media platforms. Finding the right time to call it a day can be difficult, and scrolling through social media may be perceived more as work.
Our 3 tips for surviving the social jungle
1. clear prioritization of tasks
Which tasks really have to be completed today and which can perhaps wait until tomorrow? A clear prioritization of the To Do’s can help to work productively and to find the right time for the end of work in the evening.
2. strict separation of professional and private social media activities
To ensure that scrolling through Instagram in the evening doesn’t quickly end in a short work session, private and company accounts should be strictly separated. If possible, a work smartphone should even be used to ensure this separation and to be able to switch off in the evening.
3. use your own biorhythm
There are people who are more productive in the morning and there are people who skip the midday slump and become really productive towards the afternoon. In order to be able to work as productively as possible, it should be discussed when one works best oneself.
Mission accomplished: Survive in the Social Jungle!
The topic of work-life balance is one that is discussed time and again and has gained a lot of relevance, especially since Corona began. At the end of the day, of course, everyone has to decide for themselves how and when they can work best. Especially for professions that are in the social media industry, it is important not to mix one’s private life with professional social media activities. If this is ensured, it is definitely possible to survive in the social jungle – especially because we at Lookfamed have the best job in the world! 😉